The Hungry Mind

Over The Hungry Mind

The Hungry Mind is a dynamic international community centre serving both the local residents of Loosduinen and the diverse international community of The International School of The Hague. Our mission is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where individuals from all backgrounds can come together to connect, learn, and grow.

We host a variety of daily activities for adults and after-school programs for children, including yoga, ballet, football, hockey, comic book creation, arts classes, and more. Additionally, we regularly organize workshops, quiz nights, markets, movie screenings, and other enjoyable events.

Onlangs toegevoegde activiteiten

Vind je het leuk om mensen van over de hele wereld te ontmoeten?
Tijdelijke activiteit · Flexibele uren · Voor ongeveer 24 maanden
The Hague
Vind je het leuk om mensen van over de hele wereld te ontmoeten?
Heb je affiniteit met de internationale gemeenschap in Den Haag? Dan maken we graag kennis met je.Geplaatst door The Hungry Mind
